Dorocutters ūdensaugu pļaujmašīnas
Dorocutter Wasse
Doro cutter Wasse is our smallest motor engine reed cutter. Wasse is suitable when moving between different water bodies, and for maintaining small cutting areas. Then cutting depth, knife action in and out and engine start, etc, are all controlled from the driver’s seat. The light construction facilitates transport and mounting. A stone release system protects the knife from damage by solid objects.
Working width: 1 m
Cutting depth: 30 cm
Engine: B&S 3,5 hp 4-stroke
Driving: Fan belt 4 step
Weight: 40 kg
Max. boat width: 180 cm

Doro cutter Hymo is our deep cutting machine. We use our hydraulic unit Hyddo 200 as the driving unit. Thanks to the hydraulic driving mechanism, the machine is very stable to operate. Doro cutter Hymo is delivered complete with the hydraulic unit. A stone release protects the knife from being damaged by solid objects.
Working width: 1,5 m
Cutting depth: 1,1 m
Engine: Hydraulic unit Hyddo 200,B&S 6 hp, 4 stroke
Driving: Hydraulic engine
Weight: 75 kg
Max boat width: 180 cm

Dorocutter Klippo
Dorocutter Klippo is our mid sized machine. Klippo is completely operable from the driver’s seat, including cutting depth and the action of the knives. The knife can also be placed diagonally for cutting in carpet vegetation and close to land. Klippo is equipped with a stone release system and has an adjustable frame for different boat widths. The plastic buckets serve as ballast. The frame is secured to the rail with clamp hooks.
Cutting depth: 50 cm
Engine: B&S 3,5 hp 4-stroke
Driving: Fan belt 4 step
Weight: 50 kg
Max. boat width: 180 cm

Dorocutter 3070 and 3071
Doro cutter 3070/3071 is our largest reed cutter for motor boats. The hydraulical driving gives a reliable drift. The machine is suitable for the larger jobs. An engine on the high side of 6 hp is delivering power to the cutting unit. The Dorocutter 3070/3071 is delivered complete with frames, winch, hydraulic unit (Hyddo 200) and cutting unit with a working widht of 3 metres. The knifes are changeable with alternative workingwidths, 2 and 4 metres. The rock releaser is springing. The construction allows the knife to move sideway and backward. The Dorocutter 3071 has the same specifications except for extended working depth.
Working width: 3 m (with included standard knives)
Cutting depth: 0,8 m (3070) 1,2 m (3071)
Engine: Hydraulic unit Hyddo 200,B&S 6 hk, 4-stroke
Driving: Hydraulic unit
Weight: 110 kg incl. hydraulic unit